Malazan in Miniatures: The Sengar Brothers
In which I proxy models for Steven Erikson’s epic fantasy novels. Let’s begin with the Tiste Edur aka Children of Shadow…
In which I dote on small plastic figurines. I am particularly interested in proxies, alternative sculpts and 3D prints unseen in official Warhammer literature.
In which I proxy models for Steven Erikson’s epic fantasy novels. Let’s begin with the Tiste Edur aka Children of Shadow…
To my eye The Assault Group are the gold standard for quality, characterful white metal miniatures. Find out why in this review…
Let’s take a look at Scibor Miniatures: an independent sculptor of beautiful 28mm fantasy/scifi models. Worth a go? Absolutely!
My system for removable, magnetic wargaming bases that fit any size: from 20mm square to 32mm round and beyond. Perfect for different games!
In which I convert, pin, glue, paint and marvel at the extraordinary 1980s “Goblin War Giant”. This thing’s big!
Prince-themed Chaos Dwarfs, Grimgor and the “Dread Squats of Hashut” – my hobby roundup from Summer 2021…
Anyone for Chaos Dwarves or crusty trolls? An examination of “The Russian Alternative” miniature manufacturers.
I was looking for a tough old orc to lead my starter Greenskin army. I’d heard a lot of good things about Mantic Games (makers of Kings of War) and decided to give their ‘Krudger on Gore’ a shot. Gore is such a great name for a murderous battle pig, don’t you think?
The Oathmark range offers a real pick and mix of modular fantasy miniatures. In search of Dwarf Hammerers, I bought a box.