Sound the Alarm! A Warhammer: The Old World scenario (Unofficial)

Muster the watch! An attacking force has gathered on the outskirts of an unsuspecting town. Their garrison divided between home and a ranging party, the defenders must protect their land before nightfall. To fail would yield horrors beyond imagining…

Time for another scenario! Unlike War of the Waaagh and Madness in the Maelstrom, this mission doesn’t require specific factions or army lists. In fact, it serves perfectly well as a scenario you can roll for in pickup games.

Sound the Alarm! A Warhammer The Old World fanmade scenario (unofficial)

Defend the town

Sound the Alarm! is a scenario between two equal-sized armies: the attacker and the defender. One must seize the town, the other must protect it. Overlooking the battlefield is a large hill – known to the defenders – that serves as an additional vantage point and strategic bonus.

Above: the tightly packed ranks of Empire soon fan out, rushing to stake their claim on the battlefield.

Fluff wise, I see the battle playing out over the course of a day. Turn 1 is the break of dawn, turn 6 is the setting sun. Through that perspective, the town must be rid of enemies by nightfall. If no invaders are present by the end of battle, the defenders can sleep sound in their beds. If they are overwhelmed… let’s say shuteye will be scant.

Playtesting this scenario delivered what I’d hoped: a fresh dynamic for the battlefield where every corner of the board matters. Units deployed in new and interesting arrangements, with more thought put into their movement than ‘smash the other side’.

Ours was a faceoff of Orcs vs Empire. Much to our amusement, the frenzy-ridden savage orcs were nominated ‘defenders’. Their orders to remain in the town didn’t last long; at one point their impetuousness left the place completely deserted. Having to withhold important units to guard the town made for an interesting dynamic, as well as the push/pull of who controlled the hill.

Above: rushing out from the safety of their town, the savage orcs are unable to contain themselves.

While it looks like the ‘attacker’ begins with a tight deployment zone, their army soon fans out to seize the twin objectives. Conversely, the defender has to decide whether to deploy at the town’s edge – risking early fire – or hold fast further back and invite the aggressors into their territory.

Rules/PDF for the scenario are below. Your thoughts, feedback and experiences are welcome in the comments. Happy fighting!

Download Scenario (PDF)

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